Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What Really Happened From 1950 to 1971?

I meant to add a post, but ergh way to much work, but that’s another rant for another blog on another day. So class was cool (WE GOT TO SEE HITCHCOCK’S BIRDS WHOO!!!) ignore me I love that movie and all the other stuff we watched. But I guess this post, since my brain is broke beyond reason, is geared toward the question we have about in Class, what happened from 1950 to 1971 (Sometime around that time span). It’s hard to really say. Culturally, the world began to break from traditional roles, and lean toward exoticism as Mozart did for one of his operas using the Harem for the theatre. To me what happened was a revolution that seems to occur, or a phenomenon that seems to happen. Call me strange, but I Always feels this sense of déjà vu when something dramatic changes, like as if I’ve been sometime in a place before where this event happened? I firmly believe what happened is something that has a permanent place in history, it’s this permeant need for humans is that of fear and desire which always lingers in revolution. It’s that idea of the sublime coming full swing from the NEO-CLASSIC era back to this era. Thus proving my theory to what happened from those time spans. As humans we have a tendency to drive toward the things most damaging, back when it was the ‘fall of the south’ as our professor mentioned in class while Watching gone with the Wind. There is this sense of glorifying a moment in history where everything wasn’t all roses and dandelions. Even in horror films, and thrillers. Most people like going to the movies to see sex reinterpreted in a way that even they can’t, it’s this desire and need for that ‘perfect’ thing. Horror flicks, the thought of having a man-eating create who feasts on flesh, we want to turn away but we cant. It’s this never ending craving for the things most foreign. Why movies like Clockwork Orange, bring out a scary truthful side to this theory. I mean it makes sense, why is it as much as we hate war, we continue to thrive in it? As lovers, why is it that when our lovers shed tears of sadness is when we consider that to be a beautiful thing? It’s that kind of oxymoron… The things we need to stray from are the things we crave for most or live in. The novel 1984 proves that, such a grim and dark story, but was well respected and looked at for that huge possibility coming true… In our own form in a non-sexual way, we are possibly masochists and sadists in the sense of striving to chase after these ideals that leave to these continual revolutions.

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