Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Here is my Dada Project:

This was one of the most challenging projects I have ever done I (mostly for thinking about the placement of the scans, what body parts I wanted to use, medium and all that lovely junk we artists tend to think about yes? and working with such a huge size (phew) which by the way for body parts I used my face, hands, and feet very basic, but still created this very complex collage which I liked alot.

First off i'm really proud of this project (I am I love it. I wanted to litteraly sleep with it over my head, plus the smell of the vinyl of the clear contact paper I had put on to keep the paper from coming off of the wood just smelt reallly good this morning). Please don't ask I'm strange I love odd smells of vinyl, plastic, tire rubber, gasoline, turpentine... and I wonder why people think i'm strange).

So secondly, the project (for description) is a 1'1/2 square (yes so imagine 6 good pieces of sandply wood all hinged together with ring clips), that the user or the viewer is able to manipulate the piece to how they want. So there are two different sides to the box where you can place it how you want it to look. Well actually, I had it meant to be shown really only 2 ways, which evovled to 4 and then to many more based on how the person wants to mess with it.

Side I:

Here is the boxed version of this side since the other one is the one I used for my main imagery of my project:

Side II:

The user/viewer has the ability to manipulate such a small structure into their own artform in a sense.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Obscenity and "Howl"

I read the article about Howl being obscene.


I became very ticked after reading that article. Not for the sake of it not being censored but it doing so. I am a conservative, I mean with all the things I believe and like it’s a shock, but in certain aspects I am. HOWEVER, that stuff about censoring is honestly crap to me. Ok since the beginnings of art and literature, the ‘f’ word has often been used, I mean c’mon duh. It’s just, with all the stuff ‘accepted today, how is it obscene? From what I had perceived it was really filthy… well honestly Bret Michaels on rock of love and in his music is much MUCH more filthier and it’s played every Sunday night… what the hell? On comedy central they have secret stash where they play a lot of very dirty, raunchy movies (which are funny by the way), but still… it just pissed me off beyond reason. And the Internet, tch I like what that one person said, “not everyone has a computer” …are you nuts? Maybe the Amish (ok that’s a horrible joke, but in the states there is an extreme ability to access the net, on your phones, libraries, school, home, it’s everywhere. Plus if one person hears it, they’ll another person and another person. If it was as ‘obscene’ as they felt it was, they should have had a “well the following is material that is not appropriate for a certain audience or etc” and its people’s responsibility to know when to turn off the music, radio or what not. So don’t blame someone else. There will always be ‘inappropriate’ things going on, as individuals it’s your place to tell yourself to stop and smell the roses, or blur out the negative noise. Hey we have Howard stern on the radio... I think he’s’ still on but the point is that it was silly. The poem, sure talks about sexual positions and situations, I mean when haven’t we heard this? Even as college students, adults, even when we were barely legal this stuff was exposed to us. I mean the younger generation, may have more open boarders to explore, however I was raised in a way where at 12 I had seen “Mulholland Drive“ I know that movie is crazy, but still. It’s all about how you take the situation. Just turn off the radio! Or if you feel your child or whomever is going to look at it, just let them listen to it and explain to them “this is foul language please do not use it” or etc. I have no control how you control your children or your personal life, but I will say if it happens you deal with it, don’t blame someone else.

Other than my outrage to such stupidity, I thought it was extremely tasteful. I loved it, it was very powerful even with the language it sent out this huge “f you” to the people in suits (The stereotype of ‘going against the man’ how cliché) but in a really powerful way, not juvenile things that most people use in excuse to making art that makes no sense (which I have seen lately in a few of my students in a few of my classes, which is sickening really, if your going to us foul words or obscene images, make a real shocking statement that splits all of us up in a artistic way that sends shocks through hour spine and causes outrage that sparks revolutions, not a “what are you on?”, but just using it and be like “omg It’s expressive” when you just put it on their for the sake of an excuse, it takes older artist and says a ‘f-you’ to them. For those of dada, surrealists, expressionists, modern artists, and whomever who made a segway for you to be able to be expressive as you are. Even if you don’t respect them, it’s like dishonoring your parents who gave you a home to live and live a wonderful, carefree life. I’m not saying don’t use it, I want everyone to use it hell I use all those words a lot but I mean keep revolutionizing art, I’m saying don’t use it because you can and its an ‘easy a’ by using it. Make a point, a powerful statement, please I beg of everyone! Piss everyone off to the point it really starts something new, not a sill debate whether or not to use the f word and censor it, its stupid.

Anyhow ignore me I’m not a rant tonight; I guess that article really ticked me off. It's so silly, but anyhow I liked the poem a lot. I might look into Allen Ginsberg a bit more. His work was really touching as an artist; I felt his words reach down into my soul. I may not be a druggie or experimented with drugs, but I felt those experimental words run through my veins, take over all internal beliefs and flip them around and feeling like a prostitute walking out of a church after being baptized. I want to explore literary artists like them so much.

This was my favorite quote:

“who threw potato salad at CCNY lecturers on Dadaism and subsequently presented themselves on the granite steps of the madhouse with shaven heads and harlequin speech of suicide, demanding in-stantaneous lobotomy”

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Grid Project

Here is my grid Project:

I know the box is HUGE, but light would you believe?

Originally I planned the grid work to be a bit bigger (why the huge box), however that succeeded very well yes?

But so the original plan I had failed (which was going to do a similar work that is similar to pop art from the 1960's), but instead i did something that was more close to home you could say. Since I love patterns, I'm addicted to checkered patterns, since I was a kid I used to draw patterns on all my notebook paper and I haven't stopped since so I decided to do that). I choose the Greek-Key pattern, since it's a pattern I never worked with so I did push myself a bit (no really I poked my self with a pin.. I'm not kidding, one time i stabbed the interior of my nose because I was sewing something and well that's that, so don't ask).

So yes those are all the pins, and I didn't count since.. I'm lazy like that. I believe it's something like each key has 90-something pins? ( I had to get my mom to count because she can count better I'm ADD-prone like that).

Plus I liked the size of the box, although up-close you can tell it's a grid, when you pull yourself away, the empty space really activates and creates that feeling like it's floating which I like by the way. The actual grid was something I had left over from supplies I bought at the dollar store, it's one of those table mats that had a see through grid.

Also, although the pins are in foam core, please PLEASE do not tip the box! the pins might come out because I swear, all my artworks are possessed, no matter how secure I made it.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Albrecht Durer / Jasper Johns Exhibits

Recently, I meant to add this post with my post about Spamalot, that I went to the St. Petersburg Museum of Fine arts (since I had a field trip to go to the Jasper John’s Exhibit at the Arts Center, which I wanted to anyhow so it worked out?) and they had a Durer Exhibit. Man I can tell you his work is incredibly meticulous, and amazing. The interaction the viewer is enabled goes a step further, with thanks to the museum giving people the ability you use a magnifying glass to examine the details, and even seeing the grain on the paper. I mean to me its like touching artwork. You can’t of course due to preservation of the images, but a piece you’re able to. You gently run your fingers across the canvas, paper, or medium and become attached somehow. Although your not physical able to do so, you are entwined with the ability to be up close and see Durer’s techniques, lines, and compositions. His work can be intimidating, especially if you’re into printmaking.

HOWEVER, people think I’m being cruel when I do this, but it’s not out of being cruel. Whenever I look at a piece, I admire it, then find mistakes, then admire it again. I’m not doing to say ‘ha they make mistakes or to make myself feel better’, its idea that it brings them a point to where I can admire them on an artist and admirer level. Since you know that there are those points where you can like something, then begin to critique as an artist. So it helps me keep me at the middle point where I can swing either way, but it helps me appreciate the work a bit more too. So it was an experience I will never forget, along with the exhibit they had with Ansel Adams earlier, that was great to be able to up close to master’s work like that.

The second one, was the Jasper Johns Exhibit the had at the Arts Center. I have of course hear of him, and knew his work from having an art history class back when I was in Key West, I knew his work, but was never a fan. Still, I felt it was great to see a modern artist’s work, to me he’s along the ranks of how Pollack is. It was cool to see his work in a setting.

So if you’re ever bored and need something to do I definitely recommend go seeing those exhibits, and to those places, they have amazing pieces and works often and if you need a bit of culture I’d recommend going.

MZTV / Museum of Television 'Vision of Tomorrow'

I finally had an opportunity to check out MZTV, which is really spiffy by the way. I would some day probably go and visit the actual museum. I mean the ability to look at an actual RCA TRK-12 would be so cool. I hope some day in the future televisions would be made with Lucite outsides, or something perhaps a bit more durable. That would be a real interesting look for a television. I mean sure with all the designs, it seems the screen of the components become the dominant visual. Like art, it needs a good frame yes? A sturdy one too. I’m sure contemporary home designers would appreciate a good television yes? Other than that, I explored the part (sine I had seen my classmates had explored other parts of the site that I felt I didn’t need to. Marilyn Monroe is one of the women who television shaped and was shaped by, And of course a main benefactor in Andy Warhol’s artwork (whose artwork is coming to St. Petersburg of Fine Arts soon! I’m so excited I can’t wait to go!), but I explored the part about the World’s Fair.

To me, its somewhat Nostalgic is Disney World’s ‘Tomorrow Land’, which is my favorite part of the entire park. So looking through the World’s fair exhibit, it reminded me of that. This idea of a ‘futuristic world’. Plus anytime there is an evolution in how the future will look, it always involves the era of the 1950’s, its really spiffy in a lot of ways. I mean look at iconic figures like Batman, he had the greatest gadgets ever, and he lived in this metropolis with 1950’s décor and ideals, it’s this feeling of being in the past, but experience those feelings those had back when it’s neat. Visually, it’s not just historically amazing, but even the sound bytes of the original broadcasts are just great. I can’t wait sometime in my life to visit the museum.

Looking at the 3D interactive models of the televisions was neat. I looked especially at the RCA TRK-12, I can't help it I’m obsessed with that model now. I mean yes its bulking and visually unattractive, but to me it completely remissness the old brownie camera's, they may have had horrible quality, unattractive outerwear, but still the feeling of history is just something you cant compare with. Whether it looks good or not still, you can't help but admire older technology, and knowing masters, and great engineers of the time molded the piece of technology we are looking at, or even holding if we have the opportunity to.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Nerds and Google

So we watched the last episode of the nerd series thing. Although Steve Jobs was a total... a-hole, its sad to say but those a-holes are the people who really set standards in the world. So I know to my classmates he was getting monotonous in his “Mac was better when I was in it” and his cocky attitude, but it's those people you have to admire in a sense. Although that attitude is standoffish, he got Mac where it was until he left. Sure he kept them from making rounds, I respect him for getting it on its feet at least. So you have to respect him for that. It’s like this question my psychology professor from last sem brought up the idea of behaviors and personalities of icons that have shaped our world. As much as the people you want to respect, a lot of them have flaws that make them human or ‘bad’ but we tend to ignore them because of their status. So that didn’t bother me, let him be arrogant. Yes? But it’s cool that whole bit with the GUI all starting with a Xerox ‘computer’. That’s spiffy and the whole idea of the competition between the companies, to me, when the market is in major competition, is when you know progress wants to be made. It’s like that thing with war they say, humans are instinctively drawn to it, it’s even more amazing to know that computers all started on the concept. So I can agree with Jobs in a lot of ways ‘Good artists copy, great artists steal’. Gotta admit he’s got a good point there.

As for the Google boys thing. It’s funny, I use Google on a daily basis, mostly for images because it’s one of the best photo engines (copyrighted imagery or not), I mean I use photo bucket and etc, but for a long time I still use Google. I never realized the impact the search engine had on the entire world and how they began those annoying ads next to your searches. In a way though, they are incredibly useful, and the logic behind the ideas. I thought the documentary was really good. It helped me really understand how those two guys made a fortune. How they sent bots through the web through links and links and links to update the sites related to the query. It’s sad you don’t realize how great some things are because it’s convenient, and you don’t understand the workings behind it, so I got a bit of more of an appreciation of Google.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Computer; The Nerd creator

I was really intrigued by the video we watched (we decided to watch the series on the nerds?) I thought it was really cool. I had no idea IBM and Microsoft were producing side by side, now I know that sounds weird, but really. As much as I love my Mac, and my VAIO which has windows and all that other stuff… I never knew that, so I learned a lot. Plus I never mentioned this, but I love c programming. I haven’t done it in months since I left Key West, but I loved making the format… something like… (We used a older complier, I cant remember what it was called), but I missed making basic programs to do multiplication and addition, it was a stress reliever to program. It was my way to keep my academic side from going crazy (I was taking some art classes, that were good, but so much stupid in that class I went nuts. It was a history of photography, which really got me back into my love for it. I feel in love with Edward Curtis because of that class. I got into Matthew Brady, and looking for pictures at garage sales, and scouting for old BW images). I have a small collection, of some of the images they did in portrait studios from the 1800’s, I cant tell you how it creates this feeling that brings you to another time you felt like you existed. I’m a true believer of having many different lives, and I’m sure I must have during that time, I def know I was a cat in my former life (don’t ask long story to that one). So watching the video made me want to whip out this book I have of visual basic I have sitting on my desk (next to my stack of Michael Crichton novels, Peter Benchley novels, my c++ book, my Kahlo Frieda bio which I WANT to get back to, but with school its been difficult so I’ll def make time to just read that book sometime) but I mean I've always wanted to learn to be a good programmer to, and have a broad range of knowledge because programming is a great stress reliever, that reminds me too seeing Cynthia Lawson and her being a programmer in her own right, really reminded me how much I missed that stuff (which I’ll blog about her, Bruce Wands, Christina Hung, and the guy from MTV3, I caught his lecture in the afternoon because our professor I have for that class was setting up something in the classroom so by the time the lecture was over she would have it set.

Y’know, its sad people don’t appreciate these young minds (well were) made a lot of the technology we are constantly using everyday. I mean I never realized how much I liked the Mac until I owned one, I really owe a lot to the Altair 8800, without that, Steve Wozniack and Steve jobs, no Mac, no gates creating Microsoft I mean its sad people don’t realize that these Phones and things they are constantly, and RUDELY text messaging in class, and other things was all done because of these minds just wanting to have fun. Hell, I agree completely. The computer, although has its important uses for us as students academically, but mostly of course your going to go on youtube, look up pics, read stuff, I mean honestly my computers have always been infested with lots of random things. Mostly that, photos, artwork, etc. Mp3s, download ROMS; So I agree, I couldn’t help but nod in agreement with all of those creators about the things they were saying even though a lot of people didn’t care much for it or thought it was geeky, well I'm a big geek myself. I’m still into cartoons, stay up late and I always burst out laughing while watching Tom and Jerry, I mean c’mon. Everyone is a geek and nerd. If you weren’t then why are you obsessing over the Iphone, Ipod, new computer that will come out in a few months, new video game, mp3 player, new phone that has the ability to make texting easier, c’mon people you’ll all nerds. I mean my friends are nerds, geeks, dorks, but I want them fun. They always mess with new things; I would rather them be that way then not into technology. Probably why I love revenge of the nerds so much. That movie is awesome! I love it as much as animal house (yes I’m into those kind of movies, but it’s awesome the part with the horse having a heart-attack, classic cult classic of American cinema).


I went to see Spamalot tonight, (well last night since it is now Friday), but still I’m considering it tonight because it’s still nighttime. It was totally fabulous! Richard Chamberlain was awesome as King Arthur! It was the best gift ever (since it was a birthday gift from my mom since she knew I have always loved the film, which it’s based off of (for those of you don’t know it) Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The entire cast was fabulous! I mean every song was catchy; all of the performers truly played their part. I loved the most how they kept a lot of the monologue that made the film iconic as it was. I take back what I said about it kind of being the ‘kitschy’ thing that people don’t know what made it a Broadway musical, even though I’d love it anyhow. It went beyond the ‘for entertainments sake’ Yes it is mostly a humor show, but it incorporated a lot of current events, the costume design, set design, music, everything. Plus it was ‘directed’ by Mike Nichols who of course is one of my favorite directors. Of course he did Working girl (I love that movie). I mean the technology in the show made you feel like you watching or were part of the film. Of course they changed some parts, but I mean it extends into a lot of folklore and mythology about the medieval ages with King Arthur, and all that stuff. It was funny as hell, and if it weren’t for my work I’d go again, it was an experience I will never forget for all of my life. It’s sad it’s having its final run, but it was worth seeing. The stage became an installation piece on it’s own. A kind hat the experience changes with each show, for that one for me it became that. That night, the stage lighting; everything. It was fun, joyful, playful, and had a lot of current jokes. I couldn’t help but laugh the entire play, the voice of the ‘lady of the lake’ wow she can sing, she had the most beautiful vocal range I have ever heard (ok that’s second actually for reasons, I still have a favorite and that one person is staying there, no mater who comes following). Sir Robin and Lancelot, god there are a group, I mean you can’t help but laugh at all the jokes, no matter if it was geared to make fun of Lancelot’s sexuality, and sexual gestures, cracks at Richard Chamberlin, the infamous ‘octomom’; It was great. The interaction seen between the actors, the orchestra pit, and the audience by acknowledging their attendance really enhanced the show as a whole (I’m trying not to reveal a lot, but it was just wonderful, I’m happy I got to experience such a great show!).

So I def recommend the show, if you’ve seen the film or not, it’s great. I’m so getting the soundtrack in a few days. Perhaps, I’ll even watch the film later… I miss watching seeing the evil rabbit (who mind you if you’ve seen it at the theatre, oh my god, I want a killer rabbit! I’ll name it fluffy and sick it on people! Ok maybe not everyone (I’m a horrible liar so I suggest you remember that) I’m kidding though, ok maybe not but still I love how they interpreted everything and made it into a sketch about criticizing the film in it’s own on a hilarious level, and stories we’ve grown up to love. Plus it gave way to creating controversy, the best things do. I mean of course I do have a conservative taste when it comes to certain things, but I mean if it’s done in a tasteful way. The comments, jokes, songs, all enhanced it being somewhat controversial, but it was just great. I’m a bit saddened I didn’t get the chance to see Tim Curry (who was just SOOOO GREAT as Dr. Frankenfurter in Rocky Horror Picture Show), still I loved it and it was something I have been waiting for since I heard my mom was getting me tickets. It was like it happened so suddenly, and it all flowed consistently when they changed the scenes and even into the Acts. Neither Act was more important than the other, I mean it evolved through the plotline, but it was very consistent in its moods and feels. I’m really happy this was my first Broadway play, I’m even more grateful to have the chance to experience such an amazing cast who I enjoyed each character no matter who was in the scene. I love even more this was my first Broadway show I have ever seen. I’m just so enthralled I’m still hyper from seeing the show. I can’t wait until we go see another one! I’m so stoked and happy I went to see it.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Television Pt. II (Ru Paul's Drag Race)

So this is the second part to my Television Posts and this one is mostly geared toward Ru Paul's Drag race show.

Since my time here at UT, I’ve learned as an artist you have to turn your entire being into a work of art and someone near and dear to my heart, for the longest time had a really bad problem and for years I thought I would loose him to what he was fighting for a long long long time. I remember him asking me one night, it was the night he told me “What would you do if I told you I didn’t have much time to live?” God I remember bawling so much that night, I mean even now I’m crying. It was as bad as aids I’ll say that. He lives away from me so having a long distance relationship, and when I don’t hear from him I freaked out so much it hurt. It was ironic his favorite movie was Moulin rouge, and if you’ve seen the movie you know what happens and thinking about that just hurt so bad. BUT god news is he’s been fine for a long time now, no problems he’s as healthy and mentally un-right like normal, but knowing or the thought of losing someone special to something you can’t control or do anything for them you feel vulnerable. I don’t know Ongina, but still I felt that pain for a few seconds. It was unexpected, and I hope she does well for the time she alive and I hope things are always good for her. Plus it's great she won that challenge, although it's so tragic something really great came from that; I’m sure those around her are truly proud of her accomplishments. She’s so full of life and you wouldn’t have guessed from watching her on the show, I mean she’s so vibrant and happy and so totally awesome with her fashion sense. So much like Japanese couture I mean my god, but it’s like they say, the greatest things in this world don't last long. It’s like a Sakura blossom they only have such a short span, but when they're blooming they're so beautiful. So to me that was something that touches and especially for television. The whole show in it’s own was fantastic, Shannel, although full of herself was a true Vegas showgirl, especially when she had to lip-sync for her life, her outfit was so fantastic, and even though that song was so un-fitting, it worked for her, even when her headdress came off she still went with it, it was truly amazing.

I’m so going to watch the show, since now I found the channel and I'm excited, it’s like project runway, top model, and all of that all rolled into one. I really enjoy watching Shannel, even though she’s a big mouth (Well to be a show-girl ya gotta have the ego for it). I love Ongina and Nina Flowers the best, their truly performers in their own right and I love them. Their form of art is so amazing to me, I love that shock factor and au couture drag queens bring. It’s really spiffy. So of course when it comes on I’m sooo going to watch it and if I miss it…that’s what the computer is for (well for porn to as according to avenue Q).

Television Pt. I (Video games, and all that other lovely stuff)

Oh Television, what can I say about Television? Television to me is my gateway to pop culture influences. I am a true realty TV show junkie, I watch all the dating shows, drama shows, and all that. Television has always been my best friend (well ok my best friend first of course), but I remember turning on the TV to catch all my favorite cartoons, the original teenage mutant ninja shows, Bucky O’Hare (its actually this child’s cartoon that was adapted from an adult comic book? Go figure). Ah the good old days. I miss that.

Since actually I have a bit more to say about Television, and the Ru Paul’s Drag Race show which is (OFF THE HOOK), will be on the lovely PT 2 of this small blog series about Television.

But the part about Video games, I’m such a dork and a nerd I still play them. I mean while watching the video I couldn’t help but smile I mean I loved to play space invaders, I still have the old Game Boy Color vers. And my game boys to play them. Of course I have all of those games still, no really I do. I have the original Pokémon blue and red versions… somewhere at my home in Key West. I love old school video game systems; I still like the old SNES, and my N64. All the Zelda games I used to play, my parents we’re even into it. I remember my mom telling me how her and my father used to make maps of the very first Zelda game; I mean how awesome is that? So VG’s have been a huge part of my life I owned almost all the systems, except the XBOX, I’ve never been a fan of that or Sega CD, or the dreamcast… wow I never realized I dint a bunch of systems. I however did get all of Sony’s and the Nintendo’s branch of systems, I couldn’t help it.

But the ps3 sucks. I know that’s blunt, but it has horrible crashes, now like most people who buy video games, sometimes when it doesn’t work, a lil bit of physical violence? Seems to help. However it didn’t. It broke while my brother loaded that stupid Metal Gear Solid game (I have a fond hate for that game, please don’t ask, but this VR missions game was cool though, but snake annoys me. Then again I am a chick, plus I’m old school RPG type of girl). So we didn’t do anything to it, it just froze. We found out its reader is broken and we could send it in, but we got it as a gift and you can’t do anything with a receipt… and I forgot how much it was, but it was better to find a new one. I have a hate for them, I prefer my ps2 anyhow. I mean, it doesn’t seem like a long ago I used to have my old school game boy pocket, with all these small fish stickers with a super Mario game. Now I have the wii with the super smash brothers’ game and legend of Zelda. I mean, it makes me feel REALLY old; I’m only 20 but still. That’s pathetic.

However, I must say video games are my main source for inspiration. I mean one of my favorite artists came from creating Video Game designs. For those of us who have played a lot of the Final Fantasy games (no not Tetsuya Nomura, he’s great, but he’s not as cool as this other one). His name is Yoshitaka Amano; he does these very great whimsical art pieces that are just so beautiful. I can say he really inspired the line artwork I do today. Next to the classical artists I have grown to admire, he’s one of my favorites. He did a lot of concept work for Final Fantasy VII, VIII, even Final Fantasy X and X2. I can say though Tetsuya Nomura is really great too, I love the work he did for FFVII: Advent Children (which is the CG animated feature that’s the sequel to Final Fantasy VII), although the plotline sucks, the animation for that movie I really love. Why I had to buy it just for that sake alone.