Monday, April 20, 2009

Andy Warhol; The Self Promotional Tool

ANDY FREAKIN WARHOL, HOLSY SHI- im so doing the rock signs as I am typing this (hypothetically, just go along like you have an idea what I’m talking about), but this class was the best. Seeing the intro where the artists did the silk screening, which I would love to learn how to do just gave total essence to the entire documentary. The whole thing, gave me so much better insight on Warhol in general… he is truly talented in what he had done. From everything from the shoe drawings to the iconic imagery of Marilyn… he has this classic ideology of commercialism becomes the theatro mundi, how can you not enjoy his work? I had to do a research paper for Chris Valle’s class, and I picked Takashi Murakamai as Japan’s version of Andy Warhol… uhm no. I’m sorry whether or not he was American; Warhol’s aesthetic became so iconic because it was all that icons. Marilyn, the Campbell soup cans, Jackie Kennedy, the shoes, he commercialized himself to where everything was not free… Murakami has some interesting pieces. His large-scale murals are really neat and fit into the idea of iconic culture, but I just… I got lost in his work and as a lover of Asian influences, it was too much commercialism The images all become one image, not like the cans when you can distinguish from Monroe, or to his silk screens, so I got somewhat offended people complimented him for that when reality is, he may have done similar things, but ethnicity did not make Warhol who he was. It was this personality he formed… Plus he was a product to be sold, and his name is a product, trademark, etc. You can’t have someone else brand him when he clearly belongs to himself… if that makes any sense?

Lately I’ve seen everyone running around with Andy Warhol bags (now? They’ve been out since fall, and suddenly ‘omg look at what I found at ross their new!!!!” uhm.. no.. their…not I hate to break their bubbles) I don’t have any, and I saw the bags they were selling. I’m into odd things. I know I know it goes against the commercial ideal of it being Warhol selling ‘himself’ for profit, I mean it’s cool they brought it back, but I’m not a person who will spend 30 bucks on a purse… it sounds mean, but it’s the truth. Plus I like having things people don’t want or have, I’m sure not too long down the road I’ll find the perfect Andy Warhol purse, hell I found a nifty Monet bag and I love that bag! So I’m not too keen on the new bag, they’re everywhere, and again even though it’s against the idea of commercialism, still I’d like something…different y’know?

Otherwise, I really enjoyed seeing Warhol’s work, and of course BLONDIE’S RAPTURE VIDEO WHOO! I’m a huge 80’s freak, Blonde, Pat Benatar, Wham!, Dead or Alive, Jan Hammer, Art of Noise, Berlin, Tears for Fears, I can go on forever so to me that was so much uber comfort zone, I had no idea she knew Warhol; I mean duh it makes sense now, her in the heart of glass video looking similar to Marilyn with the hair and physical look… Now I feel stupid. Still, I enjoyed this class so much.

At the St. Petersburg Museum of Fine Arts they will be having an incoming exhibition of Warhol's work, which i'm so going to check out this summer....

Oh one last thing.... CHECK THIS OUT!!!!!! [click here] just don't ask, I made my friend the most happiest asian in the world by showing him something so cool their exhibiting in the Warhol Museum. I WANT IT!

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